Yes, somebody still lives here.. :)
So, I'm not sure why it seems so difficult to keep up this whole blogging thing. But there definitely seems to be a direct correlation to blogging, logging my stuff in My Fitness Pal, and staying on track. I'm trying to get back on the wagon.
I've been lurking on some of my bandster blogs and I've found that all of your successes are speaking to my inner competitor. It isn't that I'm not excited about your losses and NSVs, but it's woken me up from maintenance mode and put me back onto the path of wanting to lose some more weight.
As of yesterday morning, I'm at 40 pounds. Holy crap. That's 8 bags of sugar. That's an entire dog. Or child. CRAAAAZY. But I still have 80 pounds to go. And they're not going to come off magically without me doing some work.
I have a confession to make.. I've got an Xbox Kinect that I purchased as a "Merry Christmas to ME" gift last November. Now ask me how many times I've used it. Yesterday, I was feeling lethargic and cranky and basically overcome by PMS hormones and the frustration associated with dating. Rather than take a nap, I decided I was going to play one of my Kinect games.. and I found myself having SO much fun in the process that I played for over an hour. Yesterday was Kinect Adventures which required side lunges and jumps, vertical jumps, running forward and backwards.. lots of moves associated with *cough* EXERCISE and activity. I was actually even a little sore when I got up this morning. This is good. Now when I'm feeling lazy and unmotivated to workout, I know I have a good fallback. Today, it's going to be Kinect Sports, and Friday, I think it will be Dance Party 3.
So I'm asking a huge favor.. when you guys find yourself getting into a rut, how do you shake yourself out of it? I'm embarassed to admit that other people's successes seems to be motivating me out of my own.. but I'd certainly welcome some other input.
Have a good Tuesday, peeps! <3